Purple Ruffle Ombre Cake

Purple Ruffle Ombre Cake

Hooray!  It’s my 2 year blogaversary!  I totally missed my first one.  Then one of my fellow blogging friends was celebrating hers so I figured I would look to see when I wrote my first ever post.  It happened to be March 6, 2011 and it was terrible!  While I was proud of it at the time, I definitely feel like I have improved my blogging skills since then.  I know that I am officially a week late to this celebration, but it was also just my birthday!  I wrote my first blog post 4 days before my birthday, so I guess I will be celebrating these momentous occasions together from here on out.

Cabbage Roses

 To celebrate, I decided to make myself a cake I would love to receive.  I have been seeing this ombre ruffle trend, started by Maggie Austin, all over and immediately fell in love with it!  When I found out that Maggie was giving a Craftsy course on making this cake, I was so excited!  Ombre has been in style for quite some time now, and who doesn’t love girly and whimsical ruffles?  The cake would not be complete without some matching ombre ruffle cabbage roses.  I am absolutely in love with these flowers and might be making them quite often.  I learned all the secrets behind this gorgeous cake from the master herself.

Ruffle Cake

I’m sure you are wondering what I was planning to do with a giant 2 tier cake all to myself.  Well it  just so happens that my sister-in-law had her bridal shower scheduled for this same weekend.  I figured I would make to bring to the bridal shower.  I chose the purple color scheme to pay tribute to the color of her bridal party.  The cake was a huge hit!  Happy birthaversary to me and happy bridal shower Miri!

Designer Handbag Cake

Designer Handbag Cake

For Donna’s 60th birthday, she was planning a big celebration and the cake needed to be fabulous.  She told me that she loves her designer handbag, as well as expensive jewelry and gorgeous makeup.  I was able to incorporate all her favorite things into one cake! This was my first handbag cake.  I can’t believe I was never asked to make one before!  When I was asked to make this one, I was so excited!  I stacked a few rectangular sheets of cake and carved them to achieve the right shape.  Once it was carved and covered in buttercream, I covered it in white fondant.  I then airbrushed the cake with brown and black airbrush color.  Normally, to build up the right color using an airbrush, you need to add a few coats of color, allowing the color to dry in between.  But for this handbag, I wanted an uneven almost splotchy look to mimic the look of leather.  So I just sprayed and sprayed until the cake looked really leathery.

Side View of Handbag Cake

It was important for me to replicate the logo onto the handbag.  Since the design is pretty detailed, it would be difficult and very time consuming to hand paint it.  Instead, I bought this stencil from Stencil Planet.  To apply the logo to the cake, first I mixed up my paint.  I mixed some gold luster dust with some bronze airbrush color.  I like this mix as opposed to mixing luster dust with vodka because the paint ends up much thicker and doesn’t usually require more than one coat.  Okay, time to paint.  I held the stencil up to the side of the cake, dipped a paintbrush into my paint and gently dabbed the color onto the openings in the stencil until each shape and symbol were filled in.  I really like how the pattern turned out!  With the pattern in place, it was time for the details.

Handbag ZipperI wanted a realistic looking zipper and I didn’t have a mold; I wonder if they even sell a zipper mold.  Anyway, I rolled out a thick strip of fondant and pressed an actual  clean plastic zipper (attached to one of my sons tiny sweatshirts) into the fondant.  I cut the extra fondant from the sides of the zipper off, and applied the zipper to the cake.  I shaped the zipper pull out of fondant, but that part was just done freehand.  Then I painted the whole piece with my gold/bronze paint.

Gumpaste Handbag Handles

I shaped the handles of the handbag out of some tan colored gumpaste.  I made them a few days in advance so they would have time to dry.  I made the buckles in advance as well to allow them to harden and keep their shape.  I really wanted the handles to be standing up, but I was terrified that they would rip the edges of the cake off during transit, so I just attached them to the sides.  After all is said and done, I actually like this look better and I’m glad I made this decision!
Fondant MakeupThe final touches were the cutest part of the cake.  I draped scraps of white fondant on top of the exposed cake board to soften the overall look.  Then I arranged the handmade fondant makeup and pearls!  I painted the pearls with pearl colored airbrush color to get them looking realistic.  Donna loved her cake!  Happy 60th birthday and many more!

Wedding Cake Cookies {on stands}

Wedding Cake Cookies on StandsYay!  Our very own Ali-Babka got married!  Allison is a good friend, foodie, chef, and blogger that I met her through the food world and I’m so glad I did!  To celebrate her wedding to her husband Matan, some blog buddies and I decided to throw her a virtual party and I’m bringing a wedding cake; disguised as a cookie!  Whenever I am given the freedom to do whatever I want, I always try an idea that I have been dying to try.  Here was my chance to make wedding cake cookies on cake stands that I have been seeing all over the place.  Even though I have over 200 cookie cutters, I don’t have a tiered cake cutter on a cake stand.  Have no fear, The Bearfoot Baker has a great tutorial on achieving this effect using cookie cutters you already have.  I have combined cookie shapes before to create the “Emily” cookie and the “2012” cookie in this graduation cookie set for my sister, so I  knew I could do it!  For these cake cookies I actually used a wedding cake cookie cutter combined with the bottom of a menorah cookie cutter.  I cut the shapes out of my sugar cookie dough and piece my shape together.  Once the cookies are baked, the separate pieces fuse together and then the icing really keeps the shape secure.

Lots of Wedding Cake Cookies on StandsI made the royal icing swirl roses in advance and once they were dry, I was able to apply them to the cookies.  I followed the tutorial I found on The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle to make them.  With a little practice and a lot of patience, they come out great!  Now, if you have followed my blog for a while you will notice that I use a lot of this Tiffany inspired blue color in my cookie and cake decorating.  I just love it!  It is so elegant but not too girly; perfect for an engagement or wedding celebration!  Mazel Tov on your big day!  Let’s celebrate with wedding cake…er…cookies…wedding cake cookies! Check out what my talented friends brought to the party, below!