My son, Charlie, turned 2 years old! When he turned 1 year old I had a really tough time designing his cake. He had no interests and I couldn’t decide on a theme. At the last minute I threw something together and was not too pleased with the results. I’m even slightly embarrassed to remind you as to what that cake looked like, but since you may be curious…you can find it here. Even though I wasn’t thrilled with Charlie’s cake, he still turned one and my family had fun celebrating with us.
This year I had an amazing idea! Charlie loves Eric Carle’s classic book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. It’s also one of my favorite books so maybe I was really making this cake for myself. Either way, it’s such a cute book with such recognizable images.

If you know the book, you will notice how true to the book I kept the design. The top tier has the fruit the caterpillar eats on Monday through Friday: one apple, two pears, three plums, four strawberries, and five oranges. The bottom tier has all the food that the caterpillar eats on Sunday. My favorite part of the cake is the nice green leaf that the caterpillar eats on Sunday.

Charlie loved his cake! Happy 2nd Birthday!